How to Prepare a Hens Party Supply Bag?


Are you in charge of organising a hens night? Well if the answer is yes, then you need to get familiar with the concept of a supply bag. This is the bag that contains so many things that will be needed but often no one thinks about them.

Whether the hens night is just across the street or it is a long way from home, there is always a need for hens night supplies. Most of your friends are going to be too excited about the party and the bride to be should not have to worry about such things, so you need to do the planning. The best way is to divide them into 3 groups.

#1- Essentials

Hens night essentials are the first things you need to put in the supply bag. This includes a small first aid kit, phone chargers or power bank, a bottle of water, emergency numbers, taxi numbers, and emergency money.

#2- Fun Stuff

These are all the things that will make the party fun. You can pick up hens night accessories from a local online store that sells them. They can include party games, decorations, sashes, name tags, chocolate treats, and all that you think may be needed to have fun but is likely to be forgotten.

#3- The Morning After

After all the fun is done, you need to deal with hangovers. Painkillers, a good coffee shop nearby, maybe even clothes to change into will be necessary.

A supply bag may contain different things depending on the bride and the people you will be having fun with. Always think about the hens and then pack the bag according to what you know about them and what kind of party you will have.

One last thing, do not forget the supply bag at home!

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